Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Reflection of Self.

A reflection of self
How often do we take time to reflect on ourselves? How often do we take time to reflect on our inner and outerselves?  Why are we here on this earth? What are we doing here? What is our purpose in this life?  I can say that most of us are too occupied with what this world offers then to take quality time in reflecting upon them. It is most important to use these questions to ponder on our lives because if we are ignorant of such then we are not fulfilling our purpose in this life as God wills for us individualy.
But however, one thing is for certain, that God chose us to be borned into this world. Moreso, according to the Bible, he created us in his image (Genesis 1: 26-27). Thus, we are the image of God. So if we have two hands, two legs, two ears and so on, then so does God which makes us the most superior being in this world.
So what discrimates us? Obviously as we are all aware of, our colour, culture, traditions and customs, differences in values and ethics, differences in religious views, political views and so on as mentioned above things that this world offers. What if all of the latter do not exist? Despite our thoughts, God chose us to be what we are such as Indonesians, Fijians, Indians, Europeans and so on. Sometimes I ask myself why amI a Fijian, why can’t I be someone I want to be. Then it dawned on me…Psalms 139: 13 it says, “You created every part of me; you put me together in my mother’s womb”. Powerful words indeed, it tells us so much and how unique we are, individually. If he did all this while we were still in our mother’s womb, then definitely he has already decided who and what we should become in life. Then we ought to respect ourselves first before we can respect others.  We ought to continue to LOVE despite our differences, because without love I believe we are nothing.
Philosophy of science indeed is the philosophy of life. Without life, there is no science. Without science if I may say there is no Math.Thus, without Math, would we be here studying Mathematics Education?  Indeed most of us are still searching their purpose in life. As Bapak mentions, experiences reconstructs lives, but however, with the realisation of self can one reconstruct from experiences. Without realising, they carry on in life without the realisation that their experience is supposed to be the reconstruction of their lives. Thus, for me it is important to understand and practice this philosophy of science, because it is the foundation of the philosophy of Mathematics Education.

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